
Sunday, January 17, 2010

a winner + my weekend snuggle

thanks to all of you who commented on the giveaway last week.  i’m so glad that you all loved this line as much as i did.

the winner of the shiner pendant giveaway is….

{drum roll please….}

comment #19  ---  Jill!!!!

shiner capture

here’s what jill had to say:

jill copy

and just look at how beautiful jill looks in her profile picture.

jill 2

congratulations girl!


i’ve had the most amazing weekend snuggling with this little bundle of joy.

IMG00071-20100116-1824 IMG00072-20100116-1950

meredith, one of my best friends, had the most precious little boy on december 30th.  his name is jackson, and i got to spend the entire weekend loving on him.  he is the sweetest thing.  i’m so lucky to have been able to spend time with meredith, her wonderful husband josh and jackson during this special time in their lives.  i’m in love with that handsome little man!!!

hope you all have a spectacular monday! 

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