
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

scad style: the rise of the blog

last thursday i went to the scad style event “from magazine to monitor – the rise of the blog.”  it was a panel discussion led by richard mishaan.  bloggers nick olsen, rita konig, jaithan kochar and eddie ross sat on the panel and discussed topics ranging from their blog beginnings to what they think about giveaways on blogs.  i enjoyed hearing the panel’s perspective on blogging because most of them got their start in print publications.  it was very interesting to hear their thoughts on the evolution from print publications to the blogging era and how it’s changing the design world.

here are some key points from my notes that i jotted down during the discussion:


- the printed page will never die…but it will evolve.


- everyone loves beautiful pictures!  (i thought it was interesting to hear that nick doesn’t like too much text.  i’m the same way.  i get lost in the text sometimes.  the more pictures the better for me.)


- elements of authenticity are key.  it’s nice to feel like you know the reader. 

eddie and jaithan

- there are no rules in blogging.

nick and rita

- blogging is one of the best ways to get your brand out there.

i figured i would run into some of my blogging friends there and i did.  i saw lakeitha from home to three duncan boys and claire from high gloss blue.  erica of bluelabel bungalow was also there.

scad style eventscadstyle 2

you can read another review of the event here on erica’s blog.


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