
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

my new pouf

after posting this post i decided it was definitely time to bring more color to my family room.  once i wrote the post and really looked at it i realized how much i love color.  i think that neutrals are gorgeous to look at…in someone else’s home…just not in mine.  i loved all of the fun comments i got on the post and i was surprised to hear how many people waiver back and forth just like me.  my favorite comment was from christine at design esquire.  she labeled her house as schizophrenic and that is totally how i feel about my home sometimes.  i’m working on getting it under control though. 

i found the perfect piece to bring in a pop of color at homegoods a couple of weeks ago.  it is a colorful moroccan pouf.


it has just about every color of the rainbow on it.  i’ve been using it as an ottoman with my newly reupholstered chairs.  it makes for a very comfy seat.  i’m planning on bringing more colorful accessories in little by little.  this pouf was just the first of many.


another big score while i was at homegoods was the small industrial accent table that i bought to go in between my two chairs.  it was a steal at only $39. 

gotta love that store!


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