
Monday, November 22, 2010

big “little” news!!!

a few weeks ago in one of my posts i said i had been quite busy personally as well as professionally which had caused me to do quite a few less blog posts than usual.  well, i’m actually glad that i can now let you all in on my little, itty bitty personal secret that has been the main reason for my lack in posts.




13 weeks along and due on june 1st to be exact, and i couldn’t be more excited about it! 

cool-baby-nursery-designs-560x428i’m just as excited to be out of the first trimester and over the tiredness and morning sickness.  tired doesn’t even begin to describe how i felt during the first 12 weeks of my pregnancy.  i think my ob said it perfectly…”feeling like you’ve been hit by a bus is pretty normal.”  wow, there were some days where it was all i could do to be able to keep my eyes open while driving home from an appointment with a client or from shopping.  i finally started to pull out of the tiredness and my morning sickness started to subside at the end of week 11. 

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i’ve been designing lots of nurseries lately and i’m really excited to get to design a nursery for my own little one.  i’ve already got some ideas, but i’m waiting to find out if my little peanut is a girl or boy before i make my final decisions and share the design with you all. 

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{image – domino}

since this is my first time being pregnant, i don’t really know what to expect as far as how i will feel during the rest of the pregnancy.  hopefully i will feel great, but i really have no clue how it will play out.  i’ll try to post as much as i can, but it’s been pretty tough so far.  i usually write my blog posts in the evening and reserve my days for my clients.  i’ve been so tired in the evenings, though, and it’s been really hard to keep up with the blog as well as respond to emails and comments.  please be patient if you have emailed me or if you’ve posted a comment.  i promise i will respond as soon as i can.   



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