
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

can i trade my tiny bathroom for one of these…please

when i first bought my condo a little over 3 years ago i was single so the fact that it only had 1 (extra small) bathroom with no counter or storage space didn’t bother me.  i was sure that i would not have the condo for more than a year or two and since i was single i didn’t need to worry about having to share it.  fast forward a little over 3 years down the road and i’m still living in that same condo with 1 bath, but now i’m sharing it with my husband.  we deal with sharing the bathroom really well, but i long for the day when we will have an enormous master bath and at least 2 more bathrooms somewhere in the house.  whenever billy and i finally sell our place and start looking for another home, a huge master bath is definitely going to be a prerequisite.  until then i’m going to continue drooling over these beautiful and spacious bathrooms.

image – traditional home

this romantic bath designed by sarah richardson is probably my favorite.  look at all that cabinet space at the vanities!  we only have 1 pedestal sink in ours.

Master Bathroom Design

Master Bathroom Design

2 images above – sarah richardson design

3 images above – hgtv’s 2009 dream home






image above – metropolitan home

Master Bath

image – robert grayson interiors

Master Bedroom Lighter

2 images above – blount design


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